
TNSA membership is available through four categories.
Terms run for one year,
July 1-June 30.
Interested in membership?
Please contact Charlene DeSha
Click here for membership brochure
MS4 Membership
(Phase I Large MS4 $500, Phase II Small MS4 $300)
Membership in TNSA shall be open to all Tennessee MS4s, local governments, state agencies, federal facilities or institutions of higher learning with municipal separate storm sewer systems required to be permitted by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Each MS4 shall have one (1) designated voting representative, and an alternative representative who may vote when the designated voting representative is absent. Each co-permittee shall be considered as a separate member.
Associate Membership ($200)
Associate members of the association may consist of representatives of organizations with an interest in stormwater management, including, but not limited to, non-MS4 local governments and institutions of higher learning, non-profit corporations or associations; and, Tennessee State, sub-state or federal governmental entities, which are in good standing. For purpose of voting on matters effecting the Association, each associate member shall designate one (1) individual authorized to cast the organization’s ballot.
Private Sector Membership
($300-$1,000 based on number of employees)
Private sector members of the association may consist of representatives of for-profit engineering, environmental, scientific, management firms or other organizations with an interest in stormwater management. For purposes of voting on matters effecting the Association, each private sector member shall designate one (1) individual authorized to cast the organization’s ballot.
Non-Voting Individual Membership
($100, registered students $50)
Non-Voting members of the association consist of individuals, such as students or retirees, with an interest in stormwater management not representing an organization, MS4 or an institute of higher learning. Non-voting members shall not serve on the board of directors or cast a ballot on matters affecting the association.